1 Peter 1:13-23 This scripture tells us that we should be mentally alert, disciplined, and focused. Don't let the ways of the world conform you into something that does not bring Glory to the kingdom of God. GOD'S WORD IS TRUE
Numbers 23:19-20 Whatever we read in God's word is true, because one thing God cannot do is lie. We may not understand is, but if we hold true to the word, He will teach and remind us of what we need to know. FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD
John 3:16-17 God loved the world so much that He sent His one and only Son to save us all. The first, and best, Christmas present the world has ever received! CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE
Luke 2:1-14 Jesus came to this world for a singular purpose, to show us how to live and love, and to die on that cross to save us from our sins. The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Revelation 1:1-20 In the first chapter of Revelation, Pastor Buck highlights five important points to reflect on. We need to read God's word to really hear it and keep it in our hearts. Jesus came to this world, shed His blood for our sins, gives us grace that we don't deserve, and is coming back one day to finish what was started before we ever knew about, or understood, it. |